Dragon Freedom Fighter Counter Terrorism Advisor Pacific Region Clay 1:6 Scale 12″ Figure MIB

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The Counter-Terrorism Puzzle: A Guide for Decision Makers

The expansion and escalation of global terrorism has left populations across the world and decision-makers responsible for contending with it unprepared. This book, now in paperback, is the first attempt of its kind to create a manual of counter-terrorism measures on all the relevant operational levels. The author's main purpose is to give decision-makers the tools to make rational and effective decisions in both preventing and countering terrorism.
The need to contend with terrorism can be found in almost every sphere of life: security, prevention and suppression of terrorism, legal and ethical dilemmas regarding democratic issues, such as the individual's human rights, intelligence interrogations, the right of the public to know, as well as coping with social, psychological, and media-related issues.

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S.O. Tech MACTACB-CB Multiple Assault Counter-Terrorism Action Capability Pack

The Multiple Assault Counter-Terrorism Action Capability pack was designed with elite elements of LAPD and LASD allowing carry of terrorism response assault gear in one kit. In response to the Mumbai Assault of 2008 where multiple civilian centers were targeted simultaneously, LAPD and LASD developed MACTAC to train and equip multiple teams around the City of Angels to engage attacking terrorists with rifles, plate carriers and tactical systems deployed from the pack which first carries this gear as a pack and then converts to a satchel for easy draw of ammunition and grenades during the assault phase.

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Counter-Terrorism for Emergency Responders, Second Edition

Terrorism is no longer something that only happens to other countries. Attacks on US soil in the 1990’s brought the reality of terrorism home and the Sept 11th tragedy let us know that the United States is a high priority target. The goal of today’s terrorist is body count, and while traditional bombings have served them in the past, the allure of killing thousands of people with a very small amount of biological or chemical agent will prove irresistible. Our only defense on the front line is a well-prepared emergency response team.
The key to an effective terrorist response is to understand and contain the hazardous materials involved. Counter-Terrorism for Emergency Responders, Second Edition meticulously details the characteristics, actions, identification, containment, and emergency treatment of all types of agents. Drastically updated from the 1999 edition, chapter after chapter is packed with new information on chemical agents, biological agents, and explosive, nuclear, and incendiary devices.
Using his 26 years of experience in emergency services and his skills as a hazardous materials consultant in more than 15 states, the author prepares the first responder to handle everything from re-establishing control and on-scene triage to investigating the crime. Including information on pre-incident and avoidance tactics, the author provides new monitoring and detection techniques, protective equipment and decontamination, and an extensive list of resource organizations and training opportunities. The worst may never happen to your community, but will you be prepared if it does?

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Tom Clancy’s Counter Terrorism Classics – PC

Command elite squads of counter-terror experts with these 3 action-packed titles: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six," "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear" and "The Sum of All Fears."

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Counter Terrorism

Counter Terrorism

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US Counter-Terrorism: Perception vs Reality


There are some statements, moments, and people which leave an indelible mark on history and change the world as we know it forever. As he so rightfully boasted in his poetry, “So long as men can breathe or eyes can see” William Shakespeare and his poems and plays will live on forever, inspiring and informing generation after generation “to the last syllable of recorded time.” For all of that, however, there are those such as Osama bin Laden who change the world the world for the worse. The attacks on September 11th, 2001 marked the end of a post-Cold War age of innocence and the beginning of a whole new era. Terrorism had been a frequent topic of conversation and had been combated previously, but terrorism and counter terrorism have arguably been the dominating and defining forces shaping the post-9/11 world.

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For as important and prevalent as it is, however, there is a marked difference in the way in which the public perceives counter terrorism efforts and the reality of US efforts today.

There is certainly no shortage of depictions of terrorism when it comes to mass media today. Since WWII, enemies resembling or patterned directly after the Nazis have provided Hollywood with convenient “bad guys” that clearly signified who one was supposed to root against and likewise made the goal of the hero all the clearer and more noble. With terrorism today consisting of everything from single suicide bombers to mass bombings to incidents including mailed Ricin to other issues of national security, the face of evil has changed, albeit in a way that is far less recognizable. Terrorists don’t wear uniforms, generally, and don’t conform neatly to a single state that can be defeated on the battlefield. As such, one of the most important counter terrorism efforts in place is a system that allows for the detection of terrorists. These efforts can include everything from surveillance to tracking to research into suspected terrorist groups in question to see if any practices or communications made by the suspected parties match that of the established groups.

There’s certainly no shortage of films today which depict Arabs as the chief enemies in the fight against terrorism. While there are many terrorist groups based in Arab countries, some of which—such as Hezbollah, which was originally part of Iran’s armed forces—are sponsored, tacitly, overtly or otherwise by Arab nations, it’s worth noting that US counter terrorism is not (and should not be) interested in targeting merely Arab nations, or else paining all Arab nations and Arabs in general as being in the wrong. Terrorists are the minority in any nation or area, making it the more difficult to ferret them out using surveillance or, if teams have a lead, sending in special forces to take on those terrorist cells, as was the case when Seal Team 9 took out Osama bin Laden and some of his associates in May of 2011.

It’s also worth noting that not all terrorism comes from abroad; while they were originally from the Chechen region of Russia, the Boston Bombers who planted bombs at the Boston Marathon last year had resided in the US for years and had likewise been seen by many as having somewhat assimilated into American culture. Once again, everything from surveillance to tracking to face-recognition software to forensics to old-fashioned police and detective work helped track down the two and lead to the death of the older brother and capture of the younger brother associated with the attacks.

With counter terrorism, there’s always the danger that “blood will have blood,” and that counter terrorism efforts will turn into a vendetta, or a pretext to begin a war or Big Brother state, as is shown in countless Hollywood films. That’s why safeguards are in place to ensure that groups don’t overstep their boundaries. Even so, this leads to an incredibly difficult balancing act, as the NSA found out last year. When one of the main weapons against terrorism is vigilance and surveillance, it can be all-too-easy to compromise the liberty of honest, innocent Americans.

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Counter Terrorism

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An Overview of USA Counter Terrorism

An Overview of USA Counter Terrorism

Currently, the USA Counter Terrorism is associated with almost every kind of counter terrorism activity. Over the years, the strategies have been revised to emphasize on different elements, and make sure a definite plan of action is implemented with proper lines of communication and clear leadership. Some of the elements of USA Counter Terrorism have been discussed in this post.

Intelligence Sharing – While the US has an established National Counter Terrorism Center, there is a lack of information sharing within the intelligence community. It is important that the US intelligence community shares diplomatic reports, open source information and other forms of data with relevant authorities in real time. It is also important to share crucial information with the Police in foreign countries. This increases the possibility of making arrests and executing safety measures.

Global Financial Cooperation – Most of the countries around the world have signed the International Convention related to suppression of financing to terrorism. However, many countries still lack proper legislation to indict terrorist financing. Some countries even lack the capability to properly enforce such regulations. The United States of America and its allies need to provide assistance to such countries in Southeast Asia and Middle East.

Use of Drones – For a long time, the United States has been using unmanned aerial vehicles or drones. These drones monitor attacks to terrorist installations. The current Obama administration has increased the use of drones for monitoring terrorist activities. In recent years, a lot of drone attacks have been conducted. While the Pakistani Government has challenged the ethics of drone attacks, they definitely provide a good method of monitoring and tackling terrorists without any military presence.

Renditions – After the tragedy of 9/11, the United States of America was hugely criticized for secret abductions or renditions of suspected terrorists and anti social elements to other countries for interrogation. It was alleged that the suspects were brought to secret prisons and tortured for information. Renditions have been used for many years. They have been effective in capturing global criminals.

The current USA Counter Terrorism authorities have not ruled out renditions. However, in order to make sure that human rights are not violated, there should be strict standards regarding conduct of interrogation, holding locations, evidences against a suspect and so on.

Raids on Safe Havens, Training Camps and Terrorist Bases – When training camps and terrorist bases are located in foreign countries, the USA Counter Terrorism department encourages concerned authorities to take action and destroy such sites. In recent years, USA has assisted countries like Yemen and Pakistan in destroying such sites.

If a foreign Government is unwilling or unable to take action against terrorist training camps or other sites, the United States of America is prepared to take action. Since a military strike on foreign soil can easily bring an international political fallout, the US Counter Terrorism authorities should be certain about the target prior to action.

It is worth mentioning that the USA Counter Terrorism not only focuses on foreign sources, but also domestic terrorism. It is important to understand that domestic terrorism is equally dangerous.

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Counter Terrorism

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